Monday, April 23, 2007

vats this? Another one??rumbles through garbage bin*

Im currently reading a book...yesh,a amazed!Lol. I dontr why but this book took ma interested it was weird..Been flippin through it for a few weeks in MPH during my lunch hour sometimes, its this lil yellow book with a few cupcake pics at the front with the words on top of it, 'He loves Lucy',lol, Im reading a lovey dovey book O_o it was so interesting...*feels like an alien just knowing mankinds materials*.I just bought it today*money flies*.Weeeeeeeeeeeeee, i went out with ze brazilian model,aileen today so called scouting for 'nerds' with her,lol. Didnt manage to find any...Usually i could see embut when i wanna scout em they just dissapear out of thin air...weirdness..OoooOoO,I can see the smoke comin out from ma incent, ma boss ganeh bought from thailand *imagines room gettin burned down because of that tiny con shaped incent*lol

Hmmm,hamana hamana hamana..O yeah, i might be goin to penang with ze office crew,cool ness ness.Gonna visit mum's and jade's hometown :p She said she can help me get entry into the clubs there..Bagus bagus XD Been wantin to dance a lot,lol. Hmm,the last time i danced a lot was at the birthday bash it was ze cool ness,danced a LOOTTT :p Jade said i was like in my own world when i danced that time,lol. All the ppl need to stepback cuz i kept movin around.And a dude who is a pro dancer came up to me and asked whether im a dancer,lol!Damnnnn! >.<>
She and her group did DBSK korean songs..I was thinkin in my ma head,where the freakkkkkkkk is alisya!?!!? She would love this,lol. And the otha gang was all boys and o yeah the DBSK dancin group was all girls. Goodness gracious, i wish i could dance like em.

Im thinkin of buying a laptop from Vignesh,one of ma collegues in the office by the way hes the only male in the office,lol. Me and him talk a lot abt somethin we both seem to be how to say 'interested' at,lol i will leave you guys wonderin on that :p He said he can get em cheap for me since he knows a few contacts that could give him a good deal. I might need it 'IF' i go to MMU,lol.Dad still doubtful on it..Gonna wait till all teh registration paper i signed up liek MU,UPPU..Hmm,im gonna sign up for UITM,but my mum wouldnt likeit since she had some bad memories there when she was in uni... =_= I thought to myself isnt all local uni like dat..she had some troubles with some pips there cuz shes like a modernized muslim citizenin or in other words..none-wearin-tudung-non-extremist-muslim.Dunno lah.Thats awhile back ago..maybe now ppl are more open with others and stuff,hopefully,ahah.Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Im gonna end zis post for today,Goodbye ppl,may you all not miss me *runs away*

Peacey peacey!


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